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Psychic Healer Rianne Collignon's blog: filled with articles about her work, her services and spiritual and holistic topics
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Dear People,

I love my business and helping others. I often receive something special from clients who feel I went above and beyond like flowers or other gifts. It's quite humbling but also wonderful. So, this month I'm going to see what I can do to increase customer satisfaction.

I chose to work with the TAO oracle from Ma Deva Padma. It's an Oracle based on the I Ching, so besides drawing Cards you can use coins to see what the changes are going to be.

What can I do to increase customer satisfaction during sessions: 38. Opposition
It's picture is wonderful as you can see two people, mirrored (up/down) and in different colors. One is yellow/green and the other is red/purple. This reminds me on how sometimes when I speak about spiritual parts of a message, people feel left out and want a more earthy approach and sometimes it's the other way around.

Sometimes it's also hard to translate the message I get into something that can be understood. I remember one time when I asked somebody if they had a young daughter and she said no. I asked her if she had a daughter between 14-16, which is young to me, but it wasn't to her in this context and she said yes. I guess teenager would have been a better word. I then told her that I felt that there wasn't enough male influence in her daughters world which caused tension between her and her mother. The woman answered that this was not the case, but when I asked if her husband left them, she said yes.

Miscommunication during sessions can happen. It's important for me that the other party speaks up so we can bring clarity to the situation. I have been summarizing sessions with clients at the end of a session sometimes to make sure we are on the same page. Recently another client also mentioned that she didn't like phone sessions as much, as she can't see my face.

Casting the I Ching Opposition changes to: The marrying Maiden
This is quite an interesting card as it depicts a bride with chains all around her. I guess I Ching let's me know that sometimes there is no perfect solution. You can set every rule you want, but miscommunication can still occur. I have to be honest and true and mindful of the opposition that can occur.

What can I do to increase customer satisfaction after sessions: 22. Grace
A lovely calming card that shows a Kimono made with Lotus flowers and water. It makes me feel sophisticated and joyful just looking at it.

Quite beautifully this card speaks of being a role model, of being a star and an example. I love Coyote Teaching, the way of Teaching by asking questions and responding with questions, by showing what you think is right by doing it. The way of the story teller, the way of the guru.

While this doesn't really give me a firm to-do list, it does make me realize that living up to my potential does increase satisfaction for all around. It also makes me think on how often people are interested in my life and how I normally am very private and don't post much about it online. Maybe I should reconsider that.

Casting the I Ching Grace changes to: Taming the power of the great
Interestingly this Card features a Buddha like figure being totally at ease before a bamboo forest. I guess I can relate to being quiet and to listen (I try to meditate regularly) and becoming one. I do think I need to ponder some decisions and some gifts of mine that I haven't used yet in my practice.

I can really recommend this Deck due to it's beautiful images and the serenity feeling I get from knowing: "Everything Changes, Everything is in Flux". It gives a natural way of looking at life in cycles without worries in time of lack or need and being mindful in times of abundance and joy.

Want to let me know how your satisfaction would increase? Send me an e-mail, comment on the blog or on Facebook!
Dear People,

Just yesterday I was talking about the differences between me and a psychologist or me and a coach. I believe both professions bring light and joy to people, but it is not my talent.  Some of my clients tell others that they see a Spiritual Coach instead of a Psychic Healer, because they feel more comfortable with this and are afraid to be mocked. However, when they refer somebody to me, I'm always very clear about who I am and what I do.

What is the difference between me and a Psychologist
A Psychologist is a trained professional and while there are many different ways in which they can help clients with therapy the underlying fact is that they are there to help you see what is really going on in your life. They often allow you to talk and then interrupt with questions that make you think or give you homework based on finding out how you feel about things. They help with trauma by trying to reflect on it and let it go. They work on a mental level, while trying to understand the emotional level.

With me, as a Psychic Healer, the things I say can directly bring clarity, allow you to see things from a different perspective, but always, they shift your energy.

This energy shift has the following consequences:
  • There is an immediate shift in emotional energy
  • There is an accompanying shift on the mental level, because you feel different
  • There is a shift on the spiritual level, allowing people to feel more attuned and at peace
  • There can be a shift in the physical, allowing pains or other complaints to disappear
Most clients notice this shift, this transformation immediately, by the relief they feel and the possible ways of energy release (yawning, cold, warm, crying etc.). Other clients gradually notice that their behavior has changed and that they feel different. All clients leave my practice feeling lighter and more at ease. I work on the mental, emotional, psychical and spiritual level.

Since Psychologist don't help you with such a shift and work only on a mental level,  clients told me of the marked differences they experienced. They told me that they don't feel bogged down or depressed after a session, but light and happy. They also comment on the fact that while after a session with a Psychologist they might know they have to do things, but feel like they can't, while after my sessions with them they feel right and balanced. There is no fight between head and heart, but a blessing of both.

What is the difference between me and a coach
Again, there are many different types of coaching, but a coach main goal is to help you achieve your goals. They might do this by listening to you, allowing you to work towards goals with homework or helping you see where you can improve. This is often very hard work, because a coach can help you with what you need to do, but they can't help you feel good with it.

With me, as a Psychic Healer, when trying to achieve your goals, I help bring clarity, healing and bring justice to your goals by shifting energy.

This goal achieving energy shift has to following consequences:
  • Clarity on if this goal is right for you
  • Mentally you feel able to achieve your goal and to enjoy going after it
  • Spiritual energy will begin following to allow this goal to be achieved
While coaches are focused on what you can do, as a Psychic Healer I'm focused on who you can be. True goals who are worth achieving will bring you pleasure, contentment and joy while doing them, whether it's finishing a degree, losing weight or changing careers. The behavior that is right for you will come naturally and joyfully once clarity and spiritual energy is brought into the situation.

Since coaches are usually focused on work you need to achieve, some clients felt a bit put out that I give some homework but mostly tell them to be attuned to themselves. However, they were grateful when they discovered their results ware much greater and that they felt happy doing the work. Also, learning on how to listen to yourself and your soul will with a gift that keeps on giving, while following orders can feel flat and dry.

Of course I didn't describe one of the most telling differences: future knowledge. While they are busy helping people concerning the now and the past, I of course also take the future and what I know of people's future into account. This sometimes means that people will know in advance that a job is ending or a new opportunity comes up and they are able to make the most of it.

Have some more questions on the differences between me and other (alternative) practices? Don't be afraid to ask!
Dear People,

Today I'm answering only one question, but it has been asked several times before. I love working with parents and children. You can not work with one without the other. While parents need advice and solutions for their own issues, children usually need a rebalancing or strengthening. Our society demands a lot of parents and children. I'm glad to offer support, advice and healing.

The Question most often asked by parents is: My child is seeing Spirits, what should I do?

The first thing to do for parents is: validate your children. Don't lie. Don't say nothing can be there or that they are making it up. Sometimes a child can see a deceased (grand)parent or somebody they know, sometimes they see colors or unknown people. Even if you don't believe in Souls or in Spirits, simply tell them that you might not see anything is fair, but telling them they are making it up is not.
The second thing to do is to gauge how your child feels about it. Some children are curious and talking with them about things that you can't see or measure (dreams, emotions, physical pain) is enough for them. Discussing that we don't know what happens when we pass on and talking about different beliefs (reincarnation, heaven, nothing etc.) is usually exciting for only a little while.

If your child is afraid of these things she can see, but you can't or won't, be clear to them that they are always safe. Spirits can't hurt people. Discuss why a deceased person might be coming by (love, care, curiosity). If it's an unknown person or entity be sure to discuss why people sometimes go back places and how they themselves might want to see their old school or some place else when they pass on. If your child feels threatened treat this the same way that you would any fear, leave a little light on or the door open.

If fear doesn't lessen and your child is adamant that this entity is scaring her or doing things that make them uncomfortable you can choose to cleanse your house or let me do it for you. It's rare for entities to connect to children and adults, but it happens. Usually you will notice a lack of energy, a sense of grayness or other negative feelings.

In time, your child might lose this gift or they might grow and strengthen in it. If you are embarrassed or concerned, please be sure to tell your children that some people are uncomfortable about such issues.

Do you have your own story of something or someone you saw as a child? Share it in the comments on the Blog or on Facebook!

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  • Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evening 20.00-23.00
  • Friday 09.00-17.00
  • E-mail info@flowofmiracles.com
  • Phone +31 (0)6 10521351
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    between 7pm - 8 pm GMT+1